Sunday, September 27, 2009

Quote of the Week

A little inspiration for the day....

Have you ever felt alone? Yet you were surrounded by family or friends? Has television become a sort of pacifier to null the incompetent feeling of happiness that doesn't seem to be doing a great job of visiting your life? There are times in my life, when the world seems to be happily laughing at my failures...When I think God may have gotten a little to busy to get back around to me. You see...I don't need a doctor to be diagnosed with depression. Honestly speaking, most of my family is depressed.

The other day I was sitting at my computer thinking of how it seemed like everything I touched failed. I couldn't seem to keep a job,not that I'm lazy or don't want one. Family members swear that I could be raising my kids better...My play kept being changed and I had to do rewrite after rewrite. I got stuck with no inspiration for my poetry...and on top of that, I started a blog that no one visits....I truly felt alone. The whole day I lied on my bed, hurting. Headaches, backaches... You name it. I hated myself for being who I was, and for the fact that it seemed like my blessing would never come. Like my life would never get any better.

Until I went on Facebook and wrote a simple status..."Depression has been hurting me all day. Didn't plan on feeling like this today. Maybe tomorrow will be better."

I got replies like within the next few minutes. And each one said to pray....I stopped and thought about it...The whole day I had neglected the thought. I thought my constant prayers throughout the earlier days, and the practice of fasting was more so getting on God's nerves than anything. I was blessed with an interview, but was denied of the job. I was down ya'll. I thought maybe I over prayed so I intentionally didn't think about God the whole day...You know. But when I read those replies, I immediately start to cry...And I prayed my heart out to God...sitting at the computer with tears, snot, everything. And you know...After I prayed, I felt this huge burden lifted. I know a lot of people say that. But honestly, the back pain was gone, the crank in my neck was gone, and most importantly I didn't feel alone.

I opened up my bible, and just decided to read, and here's what inspired me....
"You know, don't you, that I'm the One who emptied your pantries and cleaned out your cupboards, Who left you hungry and standing in the bread lines? But you never got hungry for me. You continued to ignore me" God's decree...

Yes, and I'm the One who stopped the rains three months short of harvest. I'd make it rain on one village but not on another-and that one would dry up. People would stagger from village to village crazed for water and never quenching their thirst. But you never got thirsty for me. You ignored me" God's Decree

After reading those words, I could feel my spirit saying, Why have you chosen to ignore him so long? Then I vowed to never ignore him again.

I want each of you out there, my non existing audience lol, to never think that God has forgotten you. He is just waiting to answer the door to enter in your heart. He loves you dearly, and will never leave you. Don't chose to be alone. Don't ignore Him.

As always, Much love and hugs!

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